A few months ago I had the opportunity to sit down with my friend Robert Madu, when we were both speaking at a conference in Chatanooga, TN. and talk a little bit about a battle we all face. That battle is comparison.

Earlier that day Robert delivered an amazing message about staying on your mark, staying in your lane, and not letting comparison cause you to quit. With this month being all about persistence I thought it would be a great time to learn from the insight Robert shared with me.

Comparison isn't all bad, especially when it used to motivate and not decimate the forward progress of our life. When comparison starts to impede our growth that's when we have to choose to not quit and persevere, even if we feel like someone may be doing it better than us. God has given us each a unique gift and a unique way to accomplish the plans he's put in our hearts.

I would encourage you to click here or click play below to hear more of what Robert had to say.

Don't forget to purchase this month's eBook on PERSISTENCE for only $1.99. Click here or the photo in the sidebar to purchase it now!

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