According to The Economist (November 20, 2003), the game, Monopoly, was not actually invented by George Parker (co-founder of Parker Brothers). When he played a trial version submitted by the actual inventor, Charles Darrow, Parker thought the game was too complicated. He thought it was too technical and that it took far too long to play.

So Parker sent a rejection letter to Darrow in early 1934, citing “52 fundamental errors” with the game. But a few months later, Parker was forced to eat his words.

He bought the game from Darrow after Darrow had spent a year demonstrating the game’s potential by selling many copies of it by himself. Then, within 2 years, 2 million copies of Monopoly had been sold, and Parker humbly displayed his scornful letter as a lesson in humility.

All great things begin in humble ways. All grand things start as small ideas. The things you regard as wonderful and the achievements you regard as landmarks were once nothing more than a tiny seed in the heart of a visionary individual. At one time, nobody believed in those things or saw their potential except the one who gave them birth.

If you don’t believe in yourself and your ideas, nobody else ever will. If you don’t push your dreams forward, nobody else can. Persistence is basically the ability to believe in yourself and your goals when nobody else is capable of buying into them.

Every noble achievement and every grand creation was once nothing more than a tiny dream embraced by one lonely soul. But if your idea is strong enough in your heart to cause you to stick with it, it will eventually become significant to others.

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