Tiny Actions

What are your goals in life? When it comes to the most important aspects of your future, what are the things you hope to achieve? In regards to your health, do you have goals, or do you simply hope that your health will last? When it comes to your finances, do you have goals, or do you simply hope that things will work themselves out? When it comes to your relationships and your dreams, do you have goals to achieve the things that intrigue you, or do you simply hope that things will fall into place for you?

If you have goals in any area of your life, you should know that you will only achieve those goals by developing the kinds of habits that will make your dreams come true. Let me give you an analogy to illustrate my point.

Your life is a precious thing, and you only get to live it once. But your life is composed of years, and your years are composed of months, and your months are composed of days. In a sense, therefore, your life is just a big collection of a whole lot of days. So the way you live all those individual days will determine the outcome of your entire life, because your days are the building blocks of your life.

In the same way, your goals are composed of a whole lot of tiny actions that you perform on a daily basis. If you have habits that compel you to perform the right kinds of actions each day, your life will be a steady journey toward your goals. But if you have habits that compete with your goals or that hinder you in the pursuit of your goals, your life will be frustrating, because your goals will never be achieved. Your habits, therefore, are the building blocks of your dreams.

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