Transformation Power

 I have been talking about how our Mindset Matters for the past few weeks. Last week we talked about making lasting changes. Today we're going to flip it a bit. Wrong mindset can hold us back from achieving things in our lives. Well, our mindset also faces the battle of believing for those things we dream of for our lives.

God is a transformer. He wants to transform you into the person He intended for you to become and He has wonderful things in mind for you, beyond what you can even ask, think or imagine. But, as we’ve been discussing, our thinking is the key. God is more interested in changing your thinking than He is in changing your circumstances.

It is no secret that people from all walks of life understand that the way people think impacts their behavior. With that in mind, I believe God exists, that He created us on purpose, for a purpose and that He has a specific plan for us. But, we hold the keys to our destiny. We're not a puppet on a string. We have the power of reason. We plot our own course on our way to destiny. Decisions we make compile to shape our future.

God wants to be your partner and He will share His plan with you if you look to Him. Jeremiah 29:10 says, “I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again.” But you have to take the steps. You will make the most of the navigational decisions for your life if you look to God and what He has to say. With God, you can stay on track and stay in God's best for you. When He speaks to you and you follow what He is telling you it is like the teacher who gives you a pop quiz and then tells you to choose “c” because that is the answer. It's easy to pass the test if you have the answers and God never holds back.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 proclaims, “Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life.” We have so much power for our lives. I don't believe in luck. I believe in favor. If we are walking according to God’s principles we will walk in His favor. Each of us has a promised land like the children of israel. We can choose to go into the promise ... or we can wander for forty years. Don't let fear keep you out of God’s promises for you. When the Israelites had their first chance to go into the promised land, they chose not to go because of the giants in the land. They had faith. They just had faith in the wrong thing. Don't put your faith in giants. Put your faith in God. Possess your promised land and receive the blessing God has for you.

Release God's best in your life. It is His will for heaven to be on earth. Job 22:28 says “You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.” Stop waiting for opportunity to present itself to you. Keep on asking and seeking and knocking (Matthew 7:7-11). God has great things for you. “Whatever will be will be” is no way to live. You have to possess your promise. See yourself there, in possession of your promise. You will never leave the desert if you can't see yourself in Canaan. Ask God for what you want. He gave us thousands of promises in His Word. Claim these by reading them, meditating on them and declaring them. You will be amazed how your life will change - no more just floating through life waiting for things to come to you.

Can you see yourself getting that job? How about owning your own house? As a person desires and judges, so are they. Base your decisions in the truth of God's word. Any time you step out of the way of truth and open yourself to deception, you will get wrong information and your decisions will be affected negatively. Jesus came from heaven to earth, into humanity, to free us from failure to receive heaven on earth. It is the will of God for you to be healthy. It is God's will for you to be able to pay your bills and to have money left at the end of your month and not to be stressed out. Heaven came to earth in Jesus and you can choose to release that into your life.

Walk by faith in God’s Word, and not by your senses. Feed your faith and starve your doubt. The biggest battle you'll ever wage will be to keep the things God has for you in your mind. The devil comes with distractions and lies to steal, kill and destroy. Your position is in God's purpose to give you a rich and satisfying life, heaven on earth, peace of mind, well-being, favor, and life more abundant. Through God, we see things as they are and we are equipped to make good choices.

We have choice in what we want to think about and the power of choices that result from what we are thinking about. We are the ones who have to keep bad thoughts out. What are you believing? What are you putting your faith in? What thoughts are you using to make decisions and choices? God is for you, for your family, for your health and for your future. In Matthew 8:13, Jesus told the centurion that his belief made it happen. Believe and watch it happen. The things you believe in your mind take shape in your life. God will do for you what you believe. This is a principle of Jesus. He promises to supply all your needs. Believe it. With God all things are possible. Faith comes by hearing and hearing, hearing and hearing some more. Position yourself for transformation. Mind your mind.

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