Four Ways Generosity Makes Your Life Richer

Generosity is LIFE. This message is one I have lived by for the past 25 years, and I believe it is the plan for humanity. Life is about getting outside of ourselves and investing in others. Today, I want to briefly share four ways our generosity gives us life. Giving of ourselves, our time and our resources is essential to a life of success and fulfillment. If you are not giving, you are missing out on a vital part of the ultimate life. As we wrap up 2016, I challenge you to examine your actions of generosity and be encouraged that your giving actually makes you richer.

Make sure to get this month's eBook on GENEROSITY. Click here to purchase it for only $1.99! And follow me on social media if you haven't already. I want to stay connected with you!



Do Not Wait

For this week's coaching session you can either read it below or click here or play below for an audio version.


Every year around this time, I see a lot of people start to put off until next year the changes they need to make in their life. They wrap it up with a nice bow that says "New Year's Resolution", but really, it is simply procrastination.

Don't get me wrong, resolutions aren't a bad thing, but if you're not willing to do something now, you will not be willing to do something then. Here are a few interesting statistics.

  • Every year over 65% of Americans make New Year's resolutions
  • 49% of them have infrequent success
  • 24% try and fail each year
  • 8% are successful in achieving their resolutions

So, what this means is if you are in the roughly 208 million people that set a resolution every year, your odds of being successful are 1 in 13.

I believe more people would be successful if they developed a lifestyle of growth instead of aiming for a “one day, in the future” type of plan. If you commit to growth and to making the changes that present themselves to you on a daily basis, you will be successful.

We all have that thought that we can start later. We can wait for that perfect timing. We can have a new chance if we just hold off until January first. 

I have an important question for you: What if your breakthrough was tomorrow, but you missed it because you waited to start? Some people wait their whole life for a breakthrough or an opportunity, but they miss it because they never actually get off the starting block. Procrastination is the thief of opportunity. We will never see what we need, because we still wait to start.

I encourage you to start today. This is the time to begin making the changes you want to make. The things you need to do are only waiting on you. Your opportunity could be right around the corner. Your breakthrough could be right after the starting point. DO NOT WAIT! The rest of your year CAN BE the best of your year.

Give Thanks

I wanted to take just a moment and say Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone of you. I hope and pray that you are having an amazing time celebrating and giving thanks today.

As a special holiday treat I have a short encouraging coaching session for you today featuring my son Solomon Martin. One thing we have tried to teach him in life is the power of  thankfulness. Now today, he's helping me teach you.

So I encourage you to take a few minutes and listen to today's special father son interview  on giving thanks. You can click here or click play below.


Do You Seek Wisdom?

In Proverbs it says that wisdom is the principle thing. That means wisdom is the main thing. It is the key to lasting success in life. It also says that a wise man will hear and increase in learning. If you want success in your life, you have to commit to grow, to learn, and to seek wisdom.

Today I wanted to take a few minutes and talk to you about the importance of wisdom and the impact it makes in your life. 

I encourage you to take a few minutes and listen to today's audio blog on Seeking Wisdom. You can click here or click play below.


Make sure to get this month's eBook on WISDOM. Click here to purchase it for only $1.99! And follow me on social media if you haven't already. I want to stay connected with you!

Why Is Adaptability Important? | Audio Blog

This week's blog is a quick audio teaching about The Importance Of Adaptability. If you can't be adaptable, you can't be great. The greats understand the importance of adaptability and change. They not only embrace it, they chase it. Take a few minutes and click play below to hear this week's teaching on Adaptability.


The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived

If you Google the phrase “wisest man who ever lived,” you will find that, in the minds of most people, this distinction belongs to Solomon, the legendary king who ruled the ancient nation of Israel about 3,000 years ago. A thinker as well as a leader, an author as well as a ruler, King Solomon was responsible for compiling the biblical book of Proverbs. In that book, he wrote, “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels” (Proverbs 1:5, KJV).

Read more: The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived

How To Get Wisdom

Have you ever said to yourself, "I wish I knew then what I know now." For some of us, unfortunately, that seems to be a saying we use all to frequently. The problems we have in life rarely have to do with a lack of 'want to,' they have to do with a lack of 'know how.'

That's where wisdom comes into play.

In the short video below, I am giving you 3 Ways To Get Wisdom. Wisdom will always cost us something, it's up to us to decide what we are willing to pay for it.

I encourage you click here or click play on the video below to learn more about getting wisdom in your life.

Read more: How To Get Wisdom

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